

Our  story combining the symbols of the Puzzle Ring  goes like this:

  Their are two different shapes to the Puzzle, V’s and Zig-Zag’s.

The V’s represent the two beings  coming together To create a diamond Shape. Now down at the bottom there are two zig-zag shapes and these represent the roads they were following before they met.

notice one of the roads is smooth and one of the roads is a bit more bumpy, we all have separate paths we walk down, but when their roads come together they interlock the beings forever within the infinity symbol making a  smooth road for both of them infinitely.

Now as many relationships do we grow apart at times, but  always coming back to our center within each other  to create the one.

   ©Pahos Morningstar 2k10

    This story has evolved partially from an employee, and partially from my Native American heritage of storytelling the symbols of the ring can mean many things to each  person. Every mind, different vision,

so let it develop as you wish But Please don’t copy.